Weight Loss Challenge


Registration: November 20th – January 7th

Event: January 7th – March 3rd

Fee: $60 Y-member; $100 Non-member

Kick off and initial Inbody Scan:

Date: Sunday, January 7th

Time: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Location: Southern Boone Area YMCA

Participants can weigh-in Saturday or Sunday during normal YMCA operating hours. Participants must weigh-in all 8 weeks to be eligible to win weekly prizes. A free Inbody scan will be conducted at the beginning and end of the challenge.

Weekly prizes to the individuals with highest % of weight loss. CASH Grand Prize given to the individual with total highest % of weight loss.

What you receive during the Challenge:

  • 8-week membership to the YMCA (Non-members)
  • Nutrition and exercise seminars
  • 50% off Boot Camp that runs at same time
  • Facebook (private) group for daily support